Friday, October 26, 2007

Reconnecting is so Refreshing.....

I haven't posted here in quite a while now. I guess I need to make more time to do that. I try to save this blog for more personal type posting though and there is so little time for "personal" stuff it seems. My days are full but I really do love it that way. However, it is nice every now and then to make some time for me.....or as was the case last night, our marriage.

Yesterday, Randy and I decided we needed some time alone. All too often we get so busy and caught up with day to day life, we let "us" get pushed aside. It is so easy to do when you are raising a family. Anyway, we decided to let Aaron babysit while we went for coffee. It was nice to just sit and talk quietly in a relaxing atmosphere, without being interrupted. I am not saying I don't love my kids but sometimes that alone time is really needed. After our coffee, we rode back out to the fair for a few minutes. At the gate, they gave us coupons for one free ride so we rode the Ferris wheel. We walked around looking at all the displays for a bit then headed home.

It is so refreshing to have just a small bit of time to reconnect and remind ourselves what it was that made us fall in love to begin with. It wasn't anything spectacular or fancy, just a couple hours of being together and I feel so renewed in our marriage. I am really going to make it a priority to do something like this at least once a month or so. It isn't always easy to get away but we need to make it happen.

Now, this morning, I was thinking about our time together last night and what a difference just a little bit of time together makes. I was thinking how that is exactly what the Lord asks us for too, just a little bit of time together. What a difference it would make in our lives, our walk with Christ if we just take that little bit of time for Him. Just like our simple date, that is all Jesus asks for, it doesn't have to be some huge extravagant deal, just a few simple minutes focusing on Him, talking to Him. Such a simple thing really, but yet, we tend to brush it to the side, saying, I just don't have time or I'm too busy.
I am writing this mostly to remind myself, but also as a reminder to anyone reading that we need to take the time regularly to spend with the Lord and Saviour, just as I did with my husband. I need to make that commitment to build my relationship with the Lord, to become stronger in Him. Relationships don't just happen, it takes work and time and devotion. It is something so easy to do, just a bit a time, yet also so easy to just sweep under the rug and say.......I'll do it later.